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摘要: We present the results based on R-band pjuolarimetric follow-up observations of the nearby (~10 Mpc) Type II-plateau SN 2012aw. Starting from ~10 d after the supernova (SN) explosi... 查看全部>>关键词: techniques: polarimetric supernovae: general supernovae: individual: SN 2012...
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not available for EP0591433of corresponding document: US5181968 An improved photovoltaic device in which an electrically conductive adhesive is employed to affix the grid structure to the upper electrode thereof. By appropriately selecting the resistivity of the conductive adhesive, normal photogenerated cur...
The paint is made of zinc duct and the prod. of reaction from an alkyl polysilicate. This prodt. is obtd. by the reaction of the polysilicate with a hydrated metallic salt in presence of an alkaline catalyst, pref. an alkali metal alkylate or an organic amine. The hydrated metallic sal...