Hengstler编码器RI64/4096-AW4H2TB-A5-I IP65或IP67轴载,轴向/径向?12mm:60N/80N?7-10mm:40N/60N ?6mm/6.35mm:20N/40N高转速10000rpm典型启动转矩≤0.5Ncm ≤1Ncm(IP67)RI58-ORI58-T 1/2/3/4/5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/60/64/70/72/80/100/125/ 128/144/150/180/200/230/250/256...
ID:0360aw 授权范围 商业用途,可用于营利性的商业、广告目的 授权限制 暂无 版权所有 摄图网已取得Dreamstime授权 720P1280 x 720px , mp4 1080P1920 x 1080px , mp4 4K3840 x 2160px , mp4 商用授权咨询:13818053407发票合同问题/ 成年男子用手指做亚洲眼睛 ...
议价议价A860-0360-V511 A860-0360-T101 现货 测试议价 发货地:北京去淘宝购买润盛进口设备 进入淘宝店铺 声明:此商品数据来源由淘宝官方接口提供,所有交易过程在淘宝或天猫与第三方卖家进行,本网站不参与交易,如有交易产生的疑问请联系淘宝卖家【润盛进口设备】,如需删除此页面请 联系本站 >> 商品详情 去淘宝...
Blueway, which operates a fleet of 26 helicopters in support of the oil and gas, infrastructure,environment and search and rescue (SAR) industries, also has options on another four AW139s. Northern Ireland-based Haughey Air has placed an order for an AW139 configured for corporate and VIP ...
摘要: 结果表明,除草剂世玛不仅对麦田恶性杂草雀麦有良好的防效,而且对麦田常见的阔叶杂草如荠菜,播娘蒿,小花糖芥等也有很好的防效.3%世玛乳油20,25,30mg/667m^2药后40d,对雀麦防效依次为81.8%,87.3%,92.5%,对阔叶杂草防效依次为93.5%,95.7%,98.7%.适宜的用药剂量为25-30ml/667m^2.关键词:...
张碧晨方发律师声明(来源:红星新闻) 关注 赞 评论 4兄弟抵达拉萨600一天租车去拉萨后花园林芝 #路哥路嫂 #自驾游 #林芝 #高反 郭正亮力挺徐巧芯反“恶罢”,痛批赖清德霸道到想“称帝” 莫迪谈中印关系,一句话让美国努力白费,不到24小时,外交部赞赏 加总理:我把加拿大勋章弄坏了,查尔斯三世:要不我的给你? 阿里...
摘要: The results of the experiments on localized space-charge waves are presented. This includes the generation and propagation of space-charge waves in coasting beams, the end effect on space-charge waves in bunched beams, and the application of localized space-charge waves to beam diagnostics....