AW-CB160H(ChipsetBCM4360+BCM20702) ModuleDescription IEEE802.11a/b/g/n/ac(3T3R)WiFi+BT4.0/3.0ComboModule PCIe@WiFi/USB@BTMixedInterfaceHalfMiniCard ReversionVersion0.5 Date NaterApproveField EngineerQCSales Cruz.ZengMike.LiuLingo.Wang13510620050 ...
Azurewave AW-CB160H Broadcom BCM94360HMB 1300M 802.11ac Wireless WIFI BT4.0 CardBrand: Azure WaveModel: AW-CB160HChipset: Broadcom BCM94360HMBCondition: original innovationHigh-speed wireless connection up to 1300MbpsMini PCI-E interfaceDual band: 2.4G / 5Ghz Use Bluetooth 4.0support system: Win...
AW-CB160H BCM94360HMB 1300M 802.11ac Wireless WIFI BT4.0 Card Model: AW-CB160H Chipset: BCM94360HMB High speed wireless connection up to 1300 Mbps Mini PCI-e interface Dual Band: 2.4G / 5 Ghz With Bluetooth 4.0 Support system: Windows 7 32/64 Windows 8 32/64 Windows 8.1, 32/64 Wi...
华硕(ASUS)AIO Azurewave AW-CB161H一体机品牌机驱动是由华硕官方开发并提供的驱动程序安装包,这是一种可以使您的华硕(ASUS)AIO Azurewave AW-CB161H一体机品牌机和计算机进行数据通信的特殊软件,可以理解为品牌机和计算机沟通的桥梁,电脑系统只有通过这个程序,才能够控制华硕(ASUS)AIO Azurewave AW-CB161H一体机品...
规格 160mm*186mm*179mm 用途范围 视频会议 数量 100 可售卖地 全国 型号 AW-UE63W/KMC ◆ 12倍光学变焦镜头加上超高分辨率技术◆ 摄像机可变焦至18倍(4K模式下为14倍)◆ 4K摄像机通过IP网络捕捉并传输精彩瞬间◆ 四驱动透镜系统可实现4K拍摄过程中的高画质变焦◆ 搭载高动态范围模式◆ 光学防抖(FHD...
Hey all,so I just got my new Wifi Card thinking that it would be supported OOB. It's an Azurewave AW-CB160H with a BCM94360HMB chip. It's being recognized by OS X and the WiFi icon is there but I can only select one of my networks (an old Wifi router fro
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Find the default login, username, password, and ip address for your AzureWave AW-CB160H router. You will need to know then when you get a new router, or when you reset your router.
I just edited my previous post. I got the BCM94360HMB and it works great without having to do anything, it's super fast. The BCM94352HMB will work, but not...