avue拖拽表单适配,vant框架组件适配,适配后台拖动框架avue-form-design相关表单组件拖拉拽在vue开发下的移动端项目适配,通过自定义相关配对的组件来使用avue的options配置信息动态渲染移动端相关表单展示 仓库地址:https://gitee.com/yoonaLin/avue-form-designer-vant avue拖拽表单适配,uniapp表单适配,适配后台拖动框架...
<avue-form-designref="designer"style="height: 85vh":options="options"storage @submit="handleSubmit"asideLeftWidth="240px"asideRightWidth="300px"></avue-form-design>
import FormDesign from './index.vue' import fields from './fieldsConfig.js' export default { install (Vue) { Vue.use(Config) Vue.prototype.fields = fields; Vue.prototype.getConfigByType = getConfigByType Vue.component('Avue' + FormDesigner.name, FormDesigner); Vue.component('Avue' + ...
.form-designer { height: 100%; background: #fff; ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 0px !important; height: 0px !important; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important; border-radius: 10px !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0...
新建数据库 drag_designer 导入 doc下的sql文件 修改相关配置 包括数据库配置、minio配置等等 ui目录下 运行 yarn install // 连接本地后台 yarn run serve:local // 连接 avuedata 后台 yarn run serve:avuedata // 打包(根据情况自行调整) yarn run build:prod ...
These people impress everyone by driving expensive cars, flying all on the world, and wearing designer clothing. With time, it’s the home builders who often end up truly wealthy and capable of producing giving effortlessly to any worthy business. Yup, Vegas also tanked and tanked real less ...
this.transAvueOptionsToFormDesigner(this.importJson).then(res => { this.widgetForm = res this.importJsonVisible = false }) } catch (e) { this.$message.error(e.message) } }, handleBeforeClose () { this.$refs.form.resetForm(); this.previewVisible = false // Avue文档链接 handleAvue...
localStorage.setItem('avue-form-beautifier-options',JSON.stringify(val)) } }, deep:true }, options:{ handler(val) { handler(val) { debugger this.transAvueOptionsToFormDesigner(val).then(res=>{ this.widgetForm={...this.widgetForm,...res } ...
const form = localStorage.getItem('avue-form'); if (form) this.setJSON(JSON.parse(form)) } else this.setJSON({ ...this.widgetForm, ...this.options }) const form = localStorage.getItem('avue-form') if (form) this.transAvueOptionsToFormDesigner(JSON.parse(form)).then(data => this...