Analysis of crosses between Ws-3 and Nd-1 indicated co-segregation for the AvrPtoB virulence function with the absence of the Nd-1 FLS2 gene which mediates recognition of bacterial flagellin. In planta expression of AvrPtoB did not prevent the HR activated by P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000...
FLS2 and BAK1 contribute to PTI and congruently are targeted by the bacterial effectors AvrPto and AvrPtoB 12, 13. However, whereas BAK1 is a common component of multiple PRR pathways 10, 11, FLS2 functions specifically as the flagellin receptor and, hence, comprises a minor component of ...
加速FLS2 的降解[ 】。本研究 发现 AvrPtoB 特异性的 与RbcS 互作 ,推测 RbcS 可能作为特 异性的底物与具 有E3 连接酶活性的 AvrPtoB 结合 ,同时 AvrPtoB 将 2 5 9 6 O 2 加 卯 ∞ 23 期 张 月娟等 :利用酵母双杂交系统筛选感病番茄 中蔬四号与无毒 蛋白AvrPto、AvrPtoB 互作 的蛋 白 ...