AVRCP断开 断开可以从 AVRCP controller 或者 target 角色操作, 如果有 AVCTP browing 在连接, 那么先断开 AVCTP browing 通道的连接。 编辑 AVRCP指令 蓝牙AVRCP的命令分为以下几种: AV/C 指令码 AV/C 指令码是 AV/C通用规范定义的指令,AV/C指令码又细分为以下几种: ■UNIT INFO指令: 获取COMPAND_ID指令,...
蓝牙AVRCP协议是蓝牙设备之间音视频的控制协议。定义了音频/视频的控制、浏览、查询、通知等一系列的命令集。常用来蓝牙耳机对手机的音乐进行控制,以及获取手机的音乐信息等场景。AVRCP协议有两个角色,分别是controller(CT)和 target(TG)。CT: 发送控制命令到对端,控制对端媒体播放器的设备,例如蓝牙耳机,蓝牙遥控器等。
AVRCP定义了两种设备角色:控制器(Controller, CT)和目标设备(Target, TG)。控制器负责发送控制命令,如播放、暂停等;而目标设备则接收这些命令并执行相应的操作。 AVRCP的控制连接建立在AVCTP(Audio/Video Control Transport Protocol)传输协议之上,通过L2CAP(Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol Layer)连接实现数...
Remote Control from Car Audio System The controller(CT) is the car audio system and the mobile phone is the target(TG). The user browsers the available media on the mobile phone via the car interface. The user may then perform actions triggering retrieval of media metadata from the phone, ...
(2)AVCTP shall be able to support both controller and target functionalities at both sides of the connection. (3)Between two devices, multiple AVCTP connections may exist. Each AVCTP connection has its own L2CAP channel with its unique PSM value. There shall be only one AVCTP connection per ...
CT:controller控制器是通过向目标设备发送命令帧来启动事务的设备,如耳机、音箱、车载蓝牙设备 TG:target目标是接收控制器发送过来的命令帧并生成相应响应帧的设备,如手机 需要注意的是,通常情况下CT和TG都是成对出现在同一个piconet网中,但是同一个piconet网中可以存在多个CT设备,比如同一个手机(TG)可以同时连接多个...
We haven't used the SDP API so far, and there's no example in the CC2564CSTBTBLESW either. We do set the extended inquiry infoas I mentioned, to indicate both controller and target role (for fetching track data, and for volume synchronizati...
Controller (CT) role: the device in the CT role sends a command frame to a target; for example, an in-car media player. Target (TG) role: the device in the TG role receives a command frame and generates a response frame; for example, a portable navigation device (PND)....
This layer handles transport services related to audio control between target and the controller. It receives audio control commands from the controller through the lower layers of the stack passes them to the overlying AVRCP plug-in for processing. The following list shows the supported commands: ...
This layer handles transport services related to audio control between target and the controller. It receives audio control commands from the controller through the lower layers of the stack passes them to the overlying AVRCP plug-in for processing. The following list shows the supported commands: ...