发电机电压调节器发电机自动AVR调压板AS440 SX440 AS480 KRS4X20 南昌市西湖区团丰贸易商行(个体工商户)1年 回头率:10.5% 江西 南昌市 ¥230.00 AVC63-4发电机组自动电压调节器AVR励磁调压板稳压板稳压器 桐乡市洲泉圆撸建材商行(个体工商户)1年 ...
AVR AS440发电机组柴油发动机自动电压调节器Voltage regulator 十堰江云工贸有限公司9年 回头率:31.1% 湖北 十堰市茅箭区 ¥680.00 斯坦福无刷发电机励磁FD341调压板AVR自动电压调节器配件 福安市诚锋电子有限公司15年 回头率:50% 福建 福安市 ¥350.00 ...
The following program configures Timer/Counter TCA1 to blink the LED on pin PC6 on the Curiosity Nano DA board. It's equivalent to the following C program:PORTMUX.TCAROUTEA = PORTMUX_TCA1_PORTC_gc; // WO2 at PC6 PORTC.DIRSET = PIN6_bm; // LED output TCA1.SINGLE.CTRLD = 0; ...
DDRD=0xFF;//Configure all port D pins as output as prerequisite for OCR1A (PinD5) and OCR1B (Pin D4) working properly PORTB=0x00;//Port B pullups set to low (no output voltage) to begin with DDRB=0xFF;//All port B pins set to output } /* IO: I am using ATMega32 16MHz wi...
int main(void) { //set direction of pin PB1 set as output DDRB |= 1 << DDRB1; init_TC1_pwm(); //enable global interrupts sei(); while(1) { //main }} For configuring the direction bit of pin PB1, writethe DDB1 bit to 1 in the DDRB register. On theATmega...
Documentation Conformity Documents Additional Resources Examples Code Example AVR128DA48 based code examples in GitHub Support at Every Step We are committed to partnering with you and making sure you have what you need to succeed. Learn About Support...
HAL库GPIO Output 高低点平控制 相对上边介绍的SPI,高低电平控制就简单的多: HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx, uint16_t GPIO_Pin, GPIO_PinState PinState) GPIOx: 针脚所在区 GPIO_Pin: 针脚所在位置 PinState: 状态枚举, 高电平: GPIO_PIN_SET, 低电平: GPIO_PIN_RESET ...
Configure the integrated op amps on a PIC18-Q71 MCU, set their output in real time and determine whether your design can be achieved without any external components. Try Now Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO) Explore how the MVIO feature of PIC and AVR MCUs allows you to have two separate ...
Dim Pt1000_R0 As Integer = 1000 Dim n As Integer Dim sngT As Single Dim sngRt As Single txtTab.AppendText("const float Pt1000Tab[]={" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)) For n = 0 To 1023 sngRt = (10000 * n + 7161000 * U) / (7161 * U - 10 * n) ...
DDR sets the direction: 1 sets the pin as output, 0 as input. If PORT is written as logic 1 when pin is configured as input, the pull-up resistor is activated. If pin is configured as output, then PORT = 1 sets the pin HIGH, 0 sets the pin LOW. ...