在对于时间敏感的模拟应用中,需要将CPU的时钟频率调整至与实际工作时的时钟一致,这样才能模拟出正确的时序来。更改模拟CPU时钟的办法是在“Processor”页中,单击“Frequency”项后面的频率值,将其直接更改成我们想要的频率(以MHz为单位),具体方法如图4-19所示。 CPU的频率更改完成后,我们会发现“Stop Watch”的时间值...
微控制器(Micro Control Unit,MCU)又称单片微型控制计算机或单片机。随着大规模集成电路(LargeScale Integration,LSI)发展,MCU将原本分散的中央处理器(Central Processor Unit,CPU)、随机存储器(Ran-dom Access Memory,RAM)、只读存储器(Read OnlyMemory,ROM)、输入/输出接口(In/Out Ports,I/O)等集中于一块单晶芯...
It pairs the latest Core Independent Peripherals (CIPs) with a robust Integrated Analog portfolio to create a device that not only excels as a stand-alone processor but also as a companion MCU in designs that demand precision. The high memory density of the AVR DA family makes these MCUs ...
Arm7™ Processor-Based Devices Features CPU Type: Arm7 processor CPU clock speed up to 75 MHz Up to 512 KB dual bank Flash 32–128 KB SRAM Full-Speed USB Ethernet MAC 48–144 pin options Explore Products SAM 3 Device Families Features CPU Type: Arm® Cortex®-M3 processor C...
When executed on an Atmel ATmega processor, a multiplication in a 160-bit OPF takes just 3237 cycles, which compares favorably with other implementations of 160-bit modular multiplication on an 8-bit processor. We also describe a performance-optimized and a security-optimized implementation of ...
若需观察已导入AVR Studio的“新建项目”源程序的运行状况,可首先在I/O观察窗口中单击“PORTC”(因为源程序使用了PORTC端口),然后执行自动运行命令,由此可以看到Processor窗口中的Cycle Counter和Stop Watch中的数据不断更新,而I/O观察窗口中PORTC端口的状态值(Value)将每隔1s发生一次变化,其运行仿真如图1-51所示。
随着大规模集成电路(LargeScale Integration,LSI)发展,MCU将原本分散的中央处理器(Central Processor Unit,CPU)、随机存储器(Ran-dom Access Memory,RAM)、只读存储器(Read OnlyMemory,ROM)、输入/输出接口(In/Out Ports,I/O)等集中于一块单晶芯片内,形成一种芯片级计算系统。MCU主要用于控制,MCU构成的系统有实时...
可以看到,仿真界面的左侧是“Processor”窗口,也就是CPU信息列表;右侧是“I/O View”窗口,也就是I/O端口信息,该窗口分上、下两部分;中间是代码显示窗口,我们看到程序仿真已经开始,目前是暂停状态,停在main函数的DDRB = 0xFF; 一行;下侧显示的是工程信息。