AVPBR是一个原版高清增强PBR的材质包,3D金属感,通过搭配光影,调整光影的参数,使材质包变得更出色与真实。其材质包覆盖率超过80%以上,非常适合生存游玩!作者Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/JoaquiX1021 光影:Nostalgia_v5.0 下载链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/c5abfb367d01 加入群:328817963 讨论讨论 展开更多...
Rules of the pack: -dont use this resource pack as your own pack -if you are going to use the pack in a video and send a download link, use the link to curseforge AVPBR Programmer Art -dont make a pack with my textures, everyone can make their own textures, copying is not the ri...
PBR免费材质包,Stay True和国产SPBR融合版,强力推荐 我的世界顶级光线追踪光影《NostalgiaVX》4K纯享版演示,内含下载链接~ 我的世界知名材质包《Patrix》演示,(支持1.20)内含下载链接~ 仅20M的材质,竟能如此震撼!6个风格独特的艺术材质! 我的世界1.20.4唯美写实材质包《URBAN》2K,内含下载链接~ ...
无聊,玩玩SEUS ..已知问题,阴影非常深,没有光线照射的地方看不清,不知道去哪个文件改,水表面完全透明,看不见表面水雾和波浪,冰块一样完全透明,染色玻璃没试,不知道,镜面反射有毒
AVPBR 登录享受更多精彩内容 立即登录 载纸ovo 03-09发布于 浙江 关注 AVPBR 分享 收藏 5 评论0 最热评论 评论 该内容来自我的世界 进入圈子 近期活动 热门我的世界聊天室 众多玩伴邀你畅聊 热门热门组件推荐第十四期 点击领取你的忍者生存组件 热门组件探索家之忍者生存篇 投稿任意一款【忍者生存】系列模组图...
Viewing a Prospect ProfileContributor Relations provides a Prospect Profile page that presents a 360-degree view of a prospect's connections with your institution. The page contains a large amount of information as well as links to other pages in the system to enable you to find more detailed ...
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This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast...
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