⼀种是annexb模式,传统模式,有startcode,SPS和PPS是在ES中。 ⼀种是mp4模式,⼀般mp4 mkv都是mp4模式,没有startcode,SPS和PPS以及其它信息被封装在container中,每⼀个frame前⾯4个字节是这个frame的⻓度。很多解码器只⽀持annexb这种模式,因此需要将mp4做转换。在ffmpeg中⽤h264_mp4toannexb_filter...
sudo apt-get -y install autoconf automake build-essential cmake git-core libass-dev libfreetype6-dev libsdl2-dev libtool libva-dev libvdpau-dev libvorbis-dev libxcb1-dev libxcb-shm0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev pkg-config texinfo wget zlib1g-dev#安装依赖库sudo apt-get -y install nasm yasm...
MovieClip 0x04 Null 0x05 Undefined 0x06 Reference 0x07 ECMAArray 0x08 ObjectEnd 0x09 StrictArray 0x0a Date 0x0b LongString 0x0c Unsupported 0x0d Recordset 0x0e XMLObject 0x0f TypedObject(Class) 0×10 Audio Tag Data结构(⾳频类型) Audio tags定义如下所示: 字段字段类型字段含义 SoundForma...
Anderson ("Resident Evil") has created the darkest, if not worst, sci-fi movie since "Battlefield Earth." Read More By Jack Mathews FULL REVIEW 0 San Francisco Chronicle Take a wretched premise. Imagine the worst picture that could be made from it. Then imagine something even worse....
The Space Jockey Xenomorphshows up only a couple of times inside the Expanded Universe, although it is heavily hinted at already in the first Alien movie when the crew of theNostromofound the giant Space Jockey with a hole in his chest. Tied to theorigins of the Xenomorph, the creature was...
Specimens exposed to the Black Goo exhibit aggressive and uncontrollable behaviors, often resulting in catastrophic breaches. The movie seems to also return to the "blue mist" seen in theDerelict Ship of the first Alien movie, perhaps keeping theXenomorph eggsand the Black Goo Pathogen in stasis....
if they would ever get there at all within the continuity of the franchise. In almost everyPredatormovie, the alien hunters always come to Earth (or collect people from Earth) and it is usually set in the current time period of the movie’s release. The 1987Predatormovie takes place in ...
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