anxious–avoidant attachment An insecure form of attachment; during the Strange Situation, infants classified as avoidant appear to be relatively indifferent to separation from the caregiver even though physiological markers indicate that they are in fact distressed, and on reunion, they actively ignore ...
In 1969, psychologist Mary Ainsworth conducted a study called the “Strange Situation3” test, which informed our understanding of how children of different attachment styles relate to their caregivers. It went as follows: A caregiver would take their child into a “strange” room (one neither ha...
Hence it is not surprising that typically in the Strange Situation such a child shows little distress when the parent is absent, tends to turn away from the parent upon reunion, and has a relationship strategy intended to not rock the emotional boat. As attachment theorists explain, such a ch...
Anxious-Avoidant Insecure Attachment is a type of childhood insecure attachment style identified byMary Ainsworth. DuringThe Strange Situation Testa child with this type of insecure attachment tends to ignore the caregiver, sometimes almost completely. In addition, the child may have little or no inter...
Infants classified as insecure-avoidant had significantly higher vagal withdrawal during the SSP and higher sAA overall, suggesting that the avoidant attachment pattern is associated with a greater allostatic load. During separation episodes of the SSP, all mothers showed significant vagal withdrawal, ...
Infants classified as insecure-avoidant had significantly higher vagal withdrawal during the SSP and higher sAA overall, suggesting that the avoidant attachment pattern is associated with a greater allostatic load. During separation episodes of the SSP, all mothers showed significant vagal withdrawal, ...
Attachment was assessed at 12 or 16months using the Strange Situation. As hypothesized, (i) emotion over-regulation (versus adaptive regulation) was predicted by a lower quality of dyadic emotional interaction and marginally by avoidant attachment; (ii) over-regulation (versus under-regulation) was...
developed in response to the strange situation research which explored children's reactions to several experimental manipulations involving the disappearance and return of their caregivers. From these studies emerged two main styles of attachment behavior: secure, and insecure (anxious andanxious-avoidant)...
patterns (Social-Positive Oriented, Distressed-Inconsolable, or Self-Comfort Oriented) were evaluated in the Face-to-Face-Still-Face paradigm at 3months, and their attachment organization (secure, insecure-avoidant, or insecure-ambivalent) was evaluated in the Strange Situation at 12months corrected ...
Attachment BehaviorComparative AnalysisDay CareInfantsMothersSecurity (PsychologySeparation AnxietyStudied behavior of infants with insecure-avoidant attachments who were reunited with their mothers after having been pla...