Approach-avoidance conflict is when a person must decide between two options, both of which have positive and negative consequences. Accepting a high-paying, prestigious job that comes with long work hours and high stress is an example of this conflict. People have to make many decisions through...
趋避冲突(Approach-avoidance conflict) 趋避冲突又称正负冲突,是心理冲突的一种,指同一目标对于 个体 时具有趋近和逃避的 …|基于148个网页 2. 接近-回避冲突 ... androgynous( 雌雄同体): approach-avoidance conflict( 接近-回避冲突): diffusion of responsibility( 责任的扩散): ... ...
approach avoidance [心]回避冲突 conflict n.[C] 1.(尤指长期的)战斗;战争 2. 冲突;抵触;争论 3.【心】冲突;(内心冲突引起的)苦恼 4.(戏剧、小说中的)矛盾冲突 5.【罕】(运动物体的)碰撞 v.[I] 1. avoidance n. 避免,避开,逃避 approach v. 1.[I,T](在空间或时间上)接近, 靠近(某人/某...
aApproach—avoidance conflict: The predicament that occurs when a course of action has both positive and negative aspects. 接近退避冲突: 发生的困境,当计划有正面和消极方面。[translate]
The meaning of APPROACH-AVOIDANCE CONFLICT is psychological conflict that results when a goal is both desirable and undesirable —called also approach-avoidance.
网络避趋冲突 网络释义 1. 避趋冲突 (D.)避趋冲突(avoidance-approach conflict)【C】 11 「服从我,因为我能改变你们的生活」主要是属於下列何种权威支配類 …|基于8个网页
Approach-avoidance conflictMotivation has played an integral role in understanding personality development. Two motivational systems, one associated with seeking reward (approach motivation) and one associated with avoidance of threat (avoidance motivation), have been theorized to represent individual ...
英文: How you excel in the situation when your team conflict with your upper management in one specific approach during the project execution?中文: 问题三,在项目执行阶段,当你(或你的团队)与你的上司就某一具体实施有冲突时,你如何处理?英文: Maintenance Functions (Other than Feeding and Predator ...
In avoidance conditions, performance on a cognitive control task was enhanced, as indicated by a reduced congruency effect, relative to approach conditions. Extending these findings, in the present behavioral studies we investigated dynamic adaptations in cognitive control—that is, conflict adaptation. ...