Kato Y, Dong VH, Chaddad F, et al. Expert Consensus on the Management of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations. Asian J Neurosurg. 2019;14(4):1074-1081. Published 2019 Nov 25. Terbrugge KG. Brain AVM. Relationship of Angioarchi...
Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a congenital high-flow vascular malformation. It is the most aggressive and difficult type of vascular malformation. At present, conventional treatment methods based on interventional embolization and surgical resection ...
在脑动静脉畸形治疗目的上,国内外全部的专家都是一样的:手术需顺利合适、要尽可能保留病人的功能,因为很多病人治疗后还要回归社会去工作。为了达成这一点,Michael T. Lawton 教授在临床处理方法上求新求变,在所著论文《 A treatment paradigm for high-grade brain arteriovenous malformations: volume-staged radiosur...
12、he natural history and treatment efficency of AVMs. In addition to understanding the natural history of untreated AVMs, the neurosurgeon must understand the natural history of AVMs treated with other modalities.natural history of AVMs treated with other modalities. 1、更加详尽的临床分级,结合解...
The lesion vvas diagnosed to be an early stagscarcinoma limited to the muscularis mucosae (depth m3), measuring 3cm in sire, occupying onehalf of the circumference. An ulcer scar after EVL was noted on the lesion. He was assignedto no therapy because the treatment seemed too risky due to...
The Niekro Aneurysm and AVM Foundation™ is committed to supporting patients and families, research, treatment and awareness of brain aneurysms, AVMs and Hemorrhagic strokes.
AVM 美['eɪvm] 英['eɪvm] abbr.(=Air Vice-Marshal) 网络动静脉畸形(Arterio Venous Malformation);脑动静脉畸形;脑血管畸形 英汉 英英 网络释义 abbr. 1. (=Air Vice-Marshal) 例句 更多例句筛选
Integration of three-dimensional corticospinal tractography into treatment planning for gamma knife surgery. J Neurosurg. 2005 Apr;102(4):673-7.10. Conti A, Pontoriero A, Ricciardi GK, Granata F, Vinci S, Angileri FF, Pergolizzi S, Alafaci C, Rizzo V, Quartarone A, Germanò A, Foroni ...
上海召开的第二届脑脊髓血管畸形大会上,负责新加坡伽玛刀中心的瑞典籍教授Bengt Karlsson教授在大会大师讲坛讲演,他的题目是《ARUBA年代后的未破裂AVMs的治疗:确切的自然病程,究竟是否推荐治疗?Management of unrupture AVMs in the post ARUBA era: What...