Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments ...
It is preferably provided that the inflow duct is flow-connected in a central region, preferably in the region of the cylinder axis, to the lower partial cooling chamber via at least one inlet opening which is preferably annular or shaped in the form of a ring segment. This allows a consta...
According to common practice amperometric methods using a constant polarisation voltage Up are particularly well suited for substrate determination. In such methods β-D-glucose is converted within a membrane containing the enzyme glucose oxidase (GOD) in immobilized form, according to the reaction equat...
No part of this manual, including the products and software described in it, may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means, except documentation kept by the purchaser for backup purposes, without the ...
CAS Graphic Models fx-CP400 (Class Pad II) Download CAS G... edu.casio.com/cn/forteachers/e...科學計算器 - 可編程計算器 | CASIO [最新優惠] 即到CASIO授權網上旗艦店選購。科學計算器 - 可編程計算器 | CASIO科學計算器門市搜尋 PDF 目錄(英文) 服務 舊型號 支援 全部 ...
No part of this manual, including the products and software described in it, may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means, except documentation kept by the purchaser for backup purposes, without the ...
and in one form is provided with a control opening or openings which are adjustable in cross-section. A single control opening can be provided in the form of an annular gap, for example, and can have its cross-section adjusted in a simple way where two parts of the removal line limit ...
In another embodiment of the invention the proposal is put forward that the capillary channel be enlarged to form a measuring chamber in the region of the overlapping cones of excitation and detection light, one wall of said chamber being provided with an optical sensor whose cover layer, which...