“Let’s add AMEs and all the sub-categories, engine technicians, propeller techs, avionics, accessories, painters, test technicians and all the business-related jobs such as customer service reps, accountants, purchasers, planners, fleet maintenance engineers, repair technicians…let’s get kids inv...
I had of course met and talked to a number of Malév pilots and flight attendants as well. Some of these people have moved on over the years and are now working at other companies, but some of them just lost their jobs – yesterday.I trulyshare their feelings as much as possible andwi...
June 24, 2014 To corral a surge in incidents of reckless, recreational drone use, the U.S. government barred flights of small unmanned aircraft near airports and crowds. People who want to fly drones as hobbyists should take lessons on safe operation and keep …...