(ICAO) AIRIAL Air Navigation Inter-site Acronym List (Eurocontrol) AIRIMP ATA/IATA Reservations Interline Message Procedures - Passenger (IATA) AIRMET Air Meteorological Information Report which may affect the safety of low level aircraft operations (ICAO) AIRPROX The code word used in air traffic ...
For computations, arms measured forward from the c/g are positive (+n) and those measured aft of the c/g are negtive (-n). ARSA see CONTROLLED AIRSPACE ARTIFICIAL HORIZON - A vacuum-powered panel instrument that displays pitch and roll movements about the lateral and longitudinal axes; aka...
ARM- In aircraft weight and balance, as well as load distribution, it is the distance from theCENTER OF GRAVITY(CG or CofG) to some point. For computations, arms measured forward from the c/g are positive (+n) and those measured aft of the c/g are negative (-n). ASPECT RATIO- Th...