_|UK:Avian Influenza Update: wild bird monitoring area lifted|_FluTrackers HN Tracking OutbreaksEurope
NFU Live: AI update We organised an NFU Live event for all NFU members on the 1 November. NFU Deputy President Tom Bradshaw chaired the session and was joined by the UK CVO Christine Middlemiss. East Anglia AI meeting Due to the unprecedented situation in East Anglia we arranged for members...
Aim The A/goose/Guangdong/1/96-like hemagglutinin (HA) genes of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5) viruses have continued to rapidly evolve since the most recent update to the H5 clade nomenclature by the WHO/OIE/FAO H5N1 Evolution Work
Such information can be found at www.cdc.gov/flu. Other sources of information include www.defra.gov.uk, www.fda.gov, www.who.int, and www.eurosurveillance.org. Conflict of interest: No conflict of interest to declare.References 1 R. Dolin Influenza E. Braunwald, A.S. Fauci, D.L. ...
GOV.UK | Avian influenza (bird flu): cases and disease control zones in England Game Farmers' Association AI update – bird gatherings banned in England AI case finder – current and lifted cases of avian influenza Avian influenza – how the NFU is working to support you 13 Dec ‘22Po...
RELATED:Wisconsin avian flu, officials provide update on spread So far, no outbreaks have been reported at zoos, but there have been wild birds found dead that had the flu. For example, a wild duck that died in a behind-the-scenes area of the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines, Iowa, after...
For advice and regular updates on the latest situation, visit theScottish Government avian flu pages. Do not touch or pick up any dead or sick birds that you find. In Great Britain, if you find a single dead wild waterfowl (swans, geese or ducks), a single dead bird of prey, or five...
APHA. Bird flu (avian influenza): cases in wild birds, https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/avian-influenza-in-wild-birds (2024). JNCC. STANDARD DATA FORM for sites within the ‘UK national site network of European sites’, https://jncc.gov.uk/jncc-assets/SPA-N2K/UK9004171.pdf ...
Although we found some evidence of active AIV infection in auk species on the IOM, we have no evidence to confirm that this is H5N1. Previous studies comparing the relationship between the M gene and the High Pathogenicity H5 (HPH5) rRT-PCR assays during UK H5N1 clade HPAIV pou...
Since 1997, several epizootic avian influenza viruses (AIVs) have been transmitted to humans, causing diseases and even deaths. The recent emergence of severe human infections with AIV (H7N9) in China has raised concerns about efficient interpersonal vir