How does Bluechiip Ltd's Avg Book / Market (10y) benchmark against competitors? Hide this widget We've identified the following companies as similar to Bluechiip Ltd because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow...
MiMedia's avg book / market (5y) is 0.0x How does MiMedia's Avg Book / Market (5y) benchmark against competitors? We've identified the following companies as similar to MiMedia Holdings Inc. because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and var...
Markets change, but our community always has the latest news, in-depth analysis, and powerful stock ratings. Continue with Google Continue with Apple or Create Free Account By creating an account using any of the options above, you agree to theTerms of Use&Privacy Policy ...
Number of common shares outstanding 500 million Expected long-term growth rate in FCFF 4% Tax rate 18% Book value of debt $1.3 billion Market value of debt $1.5 billion What is the weighted average cost of capital? A. 9.70% B. 6.53% C. 9.38% D. 6.57%Follow...
The platform is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, catering to the needs of content creators while supporting the growth of music creators. It was founded in 2017 and is based in Glebe, Australia. p p9 P9 is a creative digital and engagement consultancy specializing in the insurance ...
self.two_hundred_day_moving_average = self.stock.get_200day_moving_avg()returnself.two_hundred_day_moving_averagedefget_price_earnings_growth_ratio(self):ifself.price_earnings_growth_ratioisNone: self.price_earnings_growth_ratio = self.stock.get_price_earnings_growth_ratio()returnself.price_ear...
Growth Profitability Gross Profit Margin - EBIT Margin - Net Income Margin - Return on Equity 131.84% Return on Assets 69.41% More On Profitability » Momentum Capital Structure Market Cap $1.24M Total Debt $37.44K Cash $1.62M Other
Tesla's 200 day moving avg is 237.64.. View Tesla Inc's 200 Day Moving Avg trends, charts, and more.
self.two_hundred_day_moving_average = self.stock.get_200day_moving_avg()returnself.two_hundred_day_moving_averagedefget_price_earnings_growth_ratio(self):ifself.price_earnings_growth_ratioisNone: self.price_earnings_growth_ratio = self.stock.get_price_earnings_growth_ratio()returnself.price_ear...
Return on Equity CAGR (5y) - Five-year compound annual growth rate in return on equity. Avg Operating Income Margin (5y) - Five-year quarterly average operating income margin. Search for metric or datapoint Ten-year quarterly average return on common equity. Definition of Avg Return on Common...