After we installed AVG AntiVirus for Mac on our MacBook, the OpenOffice test finished in an average of 2 minutes and 25.75 seconds, 3.75 seconds longer than the same system took before the installation. That's a passive system hit of 2.6 percent, which is the second highest we found. By...
Sharon Vaknin/CNET Ever had a day where you just wanted to shout, "You had one job"? The latest company to earn the rebuke is Netherlands-based antivirus software maker AVG, whose "Web tuneup" add-on for the Google Chrome browser promised to protect you from surfing to unsafe sites on...
From AVG Technologies:AVG Download Center可以轻松地为您的Windows设备下载AVG AntiVirus Free或任何其他AVG安全和性能产品。它还为您提供有关恶意软件,病毒,安全趋势以及性能提示和技巧的最新消息。 AVG AntiVirus Free保护您家庭的所有Windows 10或8.1桌面,笔记本电脑和平板电脑。我们所...
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