AVEVA E3D 将包括:工厂设计系统,包含工程和原理图等专业 三维建模功能,通过结合最优质的三维图形和激光扫描点云展现“真实世界”完全自动化的二维绘图能力,并与三维模型全面集成 设计过程中与其它设计系统完全协同工作 采用的架构支持项目重用与模块化设计,另外还支持与云/移动基础设施的集成 支持与时下行业领先的...
作为 AVEVA 一体化工程与设计方案的一部 分, AVEVA E3D 将多个重要创新成果融为一体,大大增强了新建工厂设计和全生命周期改 造项目。该产品最重要的一点就是将激光扫描数据和三维几何学、强大的绘图工具以及直观 的用户界面整合在一起,满足一般常见设计任务的需求。 AVEVA 工程设计系统首席技术官兼主管 Dave Wheel...
AVEVA’s 3D design solution, AVEVA E3D Design, has long helped customers with the design of these assets. The product provides a common model that enables all the designers and different disciplines to seamlessly work together on the project and to identify and resolve clashes before anything is...
USING COMPUTED PSEUDO-ATTRIBUTES IN AVEVA PDMS / E3D / DIAGRAMS FOR CALCULATION OF PIPING CLASS CODING In this contribution, the automatic creation of 3D models for Modular Process Units (MPUs) of chemical plants is presented. A prototype is successfully implemented within the PlantDesign Feature ...
rvm e3d pdms ResourcesReadme LicenseMIT license Security policySecurity policy Activity Custom properties Stars16 stars Watchers7 watching Forks8 forks Report repository Contributors 10 Languages C# 94.4% C++ 1.8% TypeScript 1.5% PowerShell 1.1% CMake 0.7% C 0.3% Dockerfile 0.2% ...
Increasingly, customers wanted to bring even more types of information into the AVEVA E3D Design environment and to leverage the model beyond the design phase. “There's a lot more use being made of the model in recent years,” explained Hughes. “People have realized that the engineering dat...