2. Enhanced Compatibility for Live Gamer 4K GC573: We have resolved compatibility issues when recording at 2560x1440@144/120 resolution on certain platforms. This ensures a smooth and uninterrupted recording experience. 3. Improved Recording Operations for Live Gamer ULTRA GC553: Enjoy a smoother ...
AVerMedia最近就推出了Live Gamer Ultra 2实况截取盒,不但支持4K60p直播录像,更因支持HDMI 2.1格式,所以可支持4K144及4K120 pass-through,加上可以加入个性化的RGB灯效,确实是游戏直播主直播玩游戏的最佳神器。AVerMedia最新推出的Live Gamer Ultra 2实况截取盒,是市场上首批搭载HDMI 2.1的截取盒,因此可以最高...
2. Enhanced Compatibility for Live Gamer 4K GC573: We have resolved compatibility issues when recording at 2560x1440@144/120 resolution on certain platforms. This ensures a smooth and uninterrupted recording experience. 3. Improved Recording Operations for Live Gamer ULTRA GC553: Enjoy a smoother ...
GC551(Live Gamer Extreme 2)是一款由圆刚推出的视频信号采集设备,该采集卡转为需要进行游戏直播的玩家准备,拥有超低的电脑端预览延迟(仅为0.06~0.08秒),还拥有4K60帧无延迟HDMI OUT环出、USB3.1 Type-C接口、剪辑软件“威力导演15”免费赠送以及定制封面的特色。GC553以前的型号并不支持4K与HDR的录制(此前录制...
LIVE GAMER PORTABLE 2 PLUS Gaming just got this much better. They Live Gamer Portable 2 Plus builds on its predecessor the LGP2, keeping great flexibility with three integrated modes, multiple audio inputs and audio mixer control, while adding a whole new pass through technology to suppo...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现日本直邮AVERMEDIA LiveGamerEXTREME2 GC550 PLUS支持4K直通游戏的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于日本直邮AVERMEDIA LiveGamerEXTREME2 GC550 PLUS支持4K直通游戏的信息,请来
在淘宝,您不仅能发现日本直邮AVERMEDIA LiveGamerEXTREME2 C988PC内置高清采集卡DV42的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于日本直邮AVERMEDIA LiveGamerEXTREME2 C988PC内置高清采集卡DV42的信息,请来
Der niedrigste Preis fürAvermedia Live Gamer Portable 2 Plus (GC513)beträgt derzeit150,99 €. Dies ist der günstigste Preis im Vergleich zu 1 anderen Shop. Vergleiche: Avermedia Capture & TV-Karten Avermedia Capture- & Videokarten
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