financial or business decisions. Use this information strictly at your own risk. Khatabook will not be liable for any false, inaccurate or incomplete information present on the website. Although every effort is made to ensure that the information contained in this website is updated, relevant an...
Full-time workers in London earned an average salary of around 24 British pounds an hour, compared with workers in North East England, who only earned an average of 16.53 pounds an hour, the highest and lowest average hourly wages in the United Kingdom respectively. ...
The minimum wage is the lowest compensation an employer has to give an employee for their hourly service. Here are the minimum wages in some prominent countries of Asia: Country Minimum Wage per Month (USD) China USD 376 Malaysia USD 338 The Philippines USD 202 Russia USD 199 Kazakhstan USD...
Currently, the minimum national average wage varies from 11,739 CRC per day (21.83 USD) for all workers to 15,333 CRC/day (28.52 USD) for specialized workers. Technical workers can earn the highest salary of 752,220 CRC (1,399 USD) per month. 7. Ecuador Ecuadorin northwestern South Ame...
The demand for such developers can drive up the average wage. Likewise, if there’s a lack of demand, that can result in a lower average. Let’s take a moment to review the countries where backend developers are in high demand (data courtesy of ZipRecruiter): Switzerland: $110k/year (...
But sometimes, a junior salary can be so tiny compared to the average that it can be difficult to gain enough skill to earn a decent wage. Is the same true of Node.js? According to data from FullStack Labs, junior Node.js developers earn an average of $86k/year; mid-range developers...