consider splitting it into two or even three novels – a publisher may be more interested intaking it on[36]as a two- or three-book deal. And if you’re struggling to[37]get anywhere[38]near[39]60,000 words, perhaps you’re writing a novella – or even a short story. Or ...
I grew up onHomer Price booksby Robert McCloskey, which were typically just over 20,000 words. The Goosebumps series is often associated with this reading level, and author R.L. Stine says they runabout 23,000 words. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, a classic by by C.S. Lewis...
Religious beliefs include theistic beliefs (i.e. those that include a belief in God) as well as non-theistic “moral or ethical beliefsas to what is right and wrong which are sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views.” One religion believes in God. Another believes in...