Words per minute, or WPM, refers to the number of words processed in one minute while typing, writing, or reading. Average typing speed can also be used to determine efficiency on a 10-key number pad or the alphabet, but it is most commonly used regarding alphanumeric keys. A word in ...
The average typing speed for boys is 44 words per minute. This is slightly faster than for girls, who clock in at 37 wpm, a full 7 word per minute slower. This seems a little odd, because statistics show that girls actually enjoy practicing their typing skills more than boys do. ...
Given the average amount of time parents spend with their children is so low, it should be fairly easy to become more involved parents. This is especially true now that we know the baseline 55 – 125 minutes per day. Once we know the baseline or some specific figures to shoot for, we ...
As both the word and the concept “average” are subject to a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding in the general public and both word and concept have seen an overwhelming amount of “loose usage” even in scientific circles, not excluding peer-reviewed journal articles and scientific p...
For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. Nearly one in four Americans made money over the last 12 months by using their personal computers or other devices connected to the ...
Oh dear, I nearly typed that whole sentence with a straight face. Let’s not even try. Let’s just get over it, like some of you do with hills (I don’t, I just stand there at the bottom and cry. In fact, it’s not inaccurate to say that’s a big part of what I’ve ...