Wind Speed (km/h, mph, knots or m/s) Wind Gust (km/h, mph, knots or m/s) Snow amount (cm) Rain amount (mm or inches) UV Index Wind direction (degree) Dew point (°C/°F) Sky condition description text Historical Weather »|Buy Historical Weather Data » ...
Wind Speed (km/h, mph, knots or m/s) Wind Gust (km/h, mph, knots or m/s) Snow amount (cm) Rain amount (mm or inches) UV Index Wind direction (degree) Dew point (°C/°F) Sky condition description text Historical Weather »|Buy Historical Weather Data » ...
Please note, prices can vary based on your travel style, speed, and other variables. If you're traveling as a family of three or four people, the price per person often goes down because kid's tickets are cheaper and hotel rooms can be shared. If you travel slower over a longer period...
Located in South Asia, Bangladesh borders the Bay of Bengal, India, and Myanmar. Bangladesh is not the most popular travel destination, but those who venture here are rewarded by a beautiful culture and welcoming people.
Code is Vectorized for speed therefore all inputs can be multi-dimensional as long as they can be multiplied together using the [.] MATLAB notation. Cite As Darin Koblick (2025). Peak and Threshold SNR given an Average False Alarm Rate (
Most of the days in April are cloudy but you can also expect sunny or gloomy days. Precipitation Totals in April, in Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0.0 1.1 2.1 3.2 4.2 5.3 6.4 7.4 8.5 Precipitation total in April for Sanya is 1.4 in. Wind Speed in April, mph ...
Wind Speed in October, mph The average wind speed in October is5.6 mph. This value is relatively stable throughout the year. Average Sunny Hours Per Day We are using day length and cloud cover information for each day of the month to calculate averages for this chart. Average sunny hours...
Wind speed Weather Station: New Delhi / Palam (latitude 28-34N, longitude 077-07E) Local Time: New Delhi is in the "Asia/Kolkata" timezone, commonly abbreviated MMT. This timezone does not apply the Daylight Saving Time (DST) scheme - it uses standard time throughout the year. The of...
The wind performance map was created by comparing output from 3TIER’s continually updated meteorological dataset with wind conditions averaged over the period 1969-2008 from the same dataset. Wind speed values were computed using a numerical weather prediction (NWP) model run at a 15 km reso...
Wind Speed (km/h, mph, knots or m/s) Wind Gust (km/h, mph, knots or m/s) Snow amount (cm) Rain amount (mm or inches) UV Index Wind direction (degree) Dew point (°C/°F) Sky condition description text Historical Weather »|Buy Historical Weather Data » ...