I don’t even want to count on many days to go until the Kepler Challenge because I wouldn’t want to have a panic attack three paragraphs into a blog post but the fact is that I’m running out of time to feel sorry for myself and need to face the fact that you don’t train f...
Back in 1985, as I was cutting my teeth in the car business, there was a lot of hand-wringing over the rising age of vehicles, and folks thought that the trend would have to reverse soon because Americans would get tired driving these old clunk...
a crosslinking agent and verify the influence of its average molecular weight (two types of this reagent were used: with an average molecular weight of 575 g/mol and 700 g/mol) and its content on selected hydrogel properties. We also evaluated the properties of the hydrogels in terms of ...
Introduction The prediction of the average speed (AS) of road segments plays an important role in an intelligent transportation system (ITS). Its accuracy and timeliness have a great impact on the implementation of dynamic traffic management, such as traffic congestion estimation [1] and signal ...