Because beef animals are usually fed to a certain end weight, animals that reach that goal more quickly may increase profitability. Further, because ADG and feed efficiency are closely tied to cost of gain, measures of feed efficiency are important for the commercial cow-calf, stocker, and ...
Use of the regression model results to convert an average linear score to weighted average somatic cell count results in a bulk tank somatic cell count approximately twice that of conversion of a linear score somatic cell count when done on an individual cow basis. Rolling herd average milk ...
"June tends to be a month of smooth sailing, where we see gas prices decline in most areas, and that's a trend that looks the most likely for drivers, barring unexpected refinery snags or a tropical storm developing. The national average over Memorial Day was down ever so slightly compar...
It’s hard to put an exact figure on a baby elephant’s weight after six months, or a year. It depends on the individual and the sex of the calf. But San Diego zooestimates that baby elephants put on 0.9-1.36 kg(2-3 lbs)per dayin their first year. ...
Ramen has long been a cult dish, a noodle soup revered for its umami broth, silky noodles and considered arrangement of braised pork, spring onions, egg, seaweed and bean sprouts. Ramen always tastes good but never more than when you’ve been in seemingly Arctic conditions all day. Then it...
1. in a week? 2. in a month? 3. in a year? Owl: Owls are the birds that are seen as bad omens or harbingers of death. Owls fly silently, but their feathers make noise if they are not kept clean. The owl...
A.they want to copy“bad guys” in cowboy movies B.they have bad natures C.they are not easy to look dirty D.they are less respectable than those who drive cars 3.Which of the following does NOT explain why a motorcyclist's appearance gives people unpleasant impression? [ ] A.Bad cha...
Any type of numerical variable can only take on values within a certain range. Continuous variables can take on any value within those ranges, whereas discrete variables can only take on certain values within that range. The most common ...
Sexual activity during pasture exposure had no effect (P greater than .20) on testicular characteristics but resulted in an average decline in body weight of 25.7 kg across SC groups during the 4-d period. Post-exposure SC tests found that LSC bulls had increased (P less than .05) ...
Method and an apparatus for taking out an average milk sample proportional to the yield obtained in the milking of a cowAn apparatus for taking out an average sample of milk proportional to the yield from the milking of a cow. The apparatus comprises a primary sampling system and a secondary...