Guest over a year ago i am 13 years old i play volleyball, tennis and basketball. i weigh 125 pounds. i go to the gym about once or twice a week. im not super skinny but i am 5'5. is the average weight? i dont want to be to skinny or to unhealthy. Remove Ads Sandra...
Ideal Weight Calculator - Metric System Your height: centimeters (cm) Your gender: Your age: years old. Calculate Your Ideal Weight Your healthy or ideal weight: Your ideal weight is between 47.4 and 71.7 kg. The average weight for a person like you is 58.3 kilograms (kg). We've ...
While most babies lose weight during the first few days of life, within a couple of weeks they're back to their birth weight. Until 3 months old, most babies gain about an ounce each day. By 4 months old, most babies have doubled their birth weight, and by 1 year, ...
swing a 24kg kettlebell, row 500m in under 2 minutes, squat below parallel, snatch your bodyweight. All of these things give you physical, attainable goals to focus on, rather than just mindlessly exercising. If you take classes, they give you a reason to try harder in class. If you w...
atomic weight av. average adjuster average deviation average joe average out average speed averagely averageness batting average Bernoulli's law Bernoullis theorem climate References in periodicals archive ? According to Freddie Mac, 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaged 4.57% with an average 0.7...
How the Average 10-Year-Old Eats His Own Weight in Chips Every Nine MonthsByline: LAURA CLARK THE astonishing extent of unhealthy eating among Britain's youngsters is...Clark, Laura
Reply to Gregory Holmberg 1 year ago When it comes to the SG at 12%, I don’t use a formula to derive the average dried weight, rather its vice versa. The SG at 12% MC is just the average dried weight (metric units kg/m3) divided by 1000. For the life of me I don’t know...
The panniers have a say in a motorbike’s wet weight, though just some models, such as touring or adventure, come with this part. Their weights are quite substantial, with each old-school steel pannier being 10 pounds – its empty weight. So if you bring something, don’t forget to ta...
Average winter BW for 458 adult bison, 594 kg for males and 448 kg for females, was not significantly different by sex, due to the large range in weight for males (416 to 887 kg) and females (294 to 594 kg, with half weighing more than 500 kg). Year-to-year ambient conditions, ...
for the last few decades, the weight and body mass index (BMI) have increased. The average American has added at least 15 pounds in the last 20 years, and overweight and obesity are an increasing concern globally. The average weight of an American man has gone up from 181 to 196 pounds...