十一月 Climate & Weather Averages in Freeport High Temp: 27 °C Low Temp: 20 °C Mean Temp: 24 °C Precipitation: 64.2 mm Humidity: 74% Dew Point: 19 °C Wind: 30 km/h Pressure: 1018 mbar Visibility: 13 km Quick Climate Info Hottest Month 八月 (29 °C avg) Coldest Month 一月 ...
Two weather records kept at Nassau, Bahamas, from 1811 to 1837, and from 1838 to 1845, respectively, are analyzed and compared to 20th century reference periods. The average annual temperature of the period is 24.2°C (±0.65°C), which is 0.4°C lower than 1961–1990 and 0.1°C lower...
Climate information for Azores. Prevailing weather conditions, with data in Celsius and Fahrenheit, millimeters and inches. With tips on the best time to visit and what to pack in the suitcase
Within the Caribbean Islands, which is known to be an expensive region, the US Virgin Islands is moderately priced compared to the other countries. The overall cost of travel here is comparable to Trinidad and Tobago or the Bahamas. The US Virgin Islands caters to a wide range of budgets an...
The storm was a powerful Category 5 hurricane that became the most intense tropical cyclone on record to strike the Bahamas and was noted as the worst natural disaster in the country's history. While that will be a year we won't soon forget, our atten...
Most notable,Hurricane Dorian, which remained almost stationary for 36 hours and devastated the Bahamas. The storm was a powerful Category 5 hurricane that became the most intense tropical cyclone on record to strike the Bahama...