一月Climate & Weather Averages in Portland High Temp: 0 °C Low Temp: -9 °C Mean Temp: -5 °C Precipitation: 85.2 mm Humidity: 68% Dew Point: -10 °C Wind: 21 km/h Pressure: 1017 mbar Visibility: 14 km Quick Climate Info Hottest Month 七月 (21 °C avg) Coldest Month 一月 ...
Climate information for United States. Prevailing weather conditions, with data in Celsius and Fahrenheit, millimeters and inches. With tips on the best time to visit and what to pack in the suitcase
Maine lags ; The metro areas of Portland, Bangor and Lewiston-Auburn performed well below national averages, a new report shows.EDWARD D MURPHY Staff Writer
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