Dec 8 2 149.7 Showing: January Climate & Weather Averages in Oregon City High Temp:8 °C Low Temp:3 °C Mean Temp:5 °C Precipitation:132.1 mm Humidity:82% Dew Point:2 °C Wind:24 km/h Pressure:1020 mbar Visibility:14 km
66.2 Dec 13 4 123.9 Showing: 一月Climate & Weather Averages in Oregon City High Temp:13 °C Low Temp:4 °C Mean Temp:9 °C Precipitation:124.6 mm Humidity:80% Dew Point:5 °C Wind:15 km/h Pressure:1021 mbar Visibility:14 km
Average Weather Data for Summer Lake, Oregon Monthly Averages JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Average Monthly high in °F:44°47°54°60°69°78°88°88°79°66°50°42° Average Monthly low in °F:25°26°31°34°41°47°52°50°43°35°29°24°...
Average Weather Data for Foster, Oregon Monthly Averages JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Average Monthly high in °F:49°53°58°62°68°74°82°83°77°65°54°47° Average Monthly low in °F:33°33°35°38°42°46°49°48°45°40°36°33°...
Weather Quick Facts The highest monthly average temperature in Oregon City for July is 69 degrees The lowest monthly average temperature in Oregon City for January is 39.8 degrees The most monthly precipitation in Oregon City occurs in December with 10.1 inches The air quality index in Oregon City...
Weather history data and average weather by city and state. Temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, cloudiness and montlhy weather in tables and charts
Climate information for United States. Prevailing weather conditions, with data in Celsius and Fahrenheit, millimeters and inches. With tips on the best time to visit and what to pack in the suitcase
Weather Averages | USA | Canada | Europe |Average Annual Temperature for Each US StateThe average temperature for the year in every USA state is listed below. The states are also ranked from the hottest state at number 1 to the coldest state at number 50.Below... the dry weather in the autumn, followed by severe weather in the winter, the weak plants on the unmanured land may either be killed out altogether, or injured to such an extent that the crop is hardly worth harvesting, while the wheat where the phosphate was sown may give us al...
Weather Quick Facts The highest monthly average temperature in Wallowa for July is 71.1 degrees The lowest monthly average temperature in Wallowa for December is 31.3 degrees The most monthly precipitation in Wallowa occurs in May with 4 inches The air quality index in Wallowa is 52% better ...