1 -10 13 Showing: 十二月 Climate & Weather Averages in Montana City High Temp:1 °C Low Temp:-10 °C Mean Temp:-4 °C Precipitation:13.0 mm Humidity:69% Dew Point:-9 °C Wind:13 km/h Pressure:1022 mbar Visibility:14 km
十二月 Climate & Weather Averages in Amsterdam High Temp: 0 °C Low Temp: -12 °C Mean Temp: -6 °C Precipitation: 13.2 mm Humidity: 75% Dew Point: -10 °C Wind: 10 km/h Pressure: 1022 mbar Visibility: 15 km Quick Climate Info Hottest Month 七月 (20 °C avg) Coldest Month ...
Average Weather Data for Big Sky, Montana US Climate DataMontanaBig SkyMonthly Averages JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Average Monthly high in °F: 31° 35° 43° 50° 59° 68° 78° 77° 68° 54° 38° 28° Average Monthly low in °F: 8° 8°...
Average Weather in Turin in December The weather averages for the month of December, temperature averages around 6°c and at night it feels like 0°c. In December, Turin gets on an average 49.19mm of rain and approximately 5 rainy days in the month. Humidity is close to 73%.Yearly...
March14°c5°c6 April19°c9°c8 May22°c13°c11 June28°c17°c10 July30°c19°c11 August30°c19°c9 September25°c16°c7 October19°c12°c7 November13°c7°c7 December8°c2°c5 Average Weather in Milan in December The weather averages for the month of December, temperature averages around...
In the event that the weather data was unavailable for this city, estimates based upon nearby cities were used. MonthTemp.(min)Temp.(max)Temp.(avg)Precipitation January15°F35°F25°F1.2" February23°F44°F32°F0.6" March25°F51°F37°F1.2" ...
Below are the states with the lowest monthly electricity bills. Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Maine, Montana, and Minnesota are all states that have in-state power plants making their electricity relatively cheap. For instance, Minnesota utilizes itsstrong windsfor wind power. Wind power is also one of...
Funeral with vault ($9,135):Lastly, aburial vaultis a metal vault that seals and secures the casket within the ground. These are costly, but they protect the casket long-term. They are required in some areas (especially locations prone to extreme weather) and by some cemeteries. ...
In the event that the weather data was unavailable for this city, estimates based upon nearby cities were used. MonthTemp.(min)Temp.(max)Temp.(avg)Precipitation January16°F32°F24°F1.5" February19°F38°F28°F1.0" March26°F48°F36°F1.3" ...
一月Climate & Weather Averages in Helena High Temp: 1 °C Low Temp: -10 °C Mean Temp: -4 °C Precipitation: 10.9 mm Humidity: 70% Dew Point: -9 °C Wind: 12 km/h Pressure: 1023 mbar Visibility: 15 km Quick Climate Info Hottest Month 七月 (22 °C avg) Coldest Month 一月 (...