7 Days Weather Forecast Local hourly Da Nang weather forecast of rain, temperature, sunrise, humidity, wind and pressure. 7 days 10 days 14 days 30 days Saturday, 28 DecemberRain High21°C Low20°C Sun:06:13 AM Wind:8.14 km/h
Fog. (Weather station: Da Nang Airport, Vietnam). See more current weather × Annual Weather Averages in Da Nang Airport Da Nang Airport is 57 kilometers from A Ba Yu Can, so the actual climate in A Ba Yu Can can vary a bit. Based on weather reports collected during 1992–2021. ...
In central Vietnam, including cities such as Danang, Hue, and Hoi An, temperatures are generally more stable throughout the year, with warm and sunny weather from February to August and cooler temperatures from September to January. The region is also prone to typhoons and heavy rains during ...
August Weather of Major Vietnam Cities August TemperatureSunrise / SunsetHumidity (%) HighLow Can Tho 34°C/ 93.2°F23°C / 73.4°F07:25/ 17:3244 Da Lat 33°C / 91.4°F23°C / 73.4°F07:20/ 18:0784 Da Nang 33°C / 91.4°F22°C / 71.6°F07:56/ 18:3879 ...
Haikou current conditions, weather forecast and climate chart (temperature and humidity). Haikou free weather widget (free script for your website or blog). Haikou weather conditions, average/minimum/maximum temperature, humidity variation graphs. Haikou
regression equations in Section 3.3 contain four factors: (1) the AS of the historical simultaneous timeslot (AS-hst); (2) the AS of the forward timeslot (AS-ft); (3) the weather condition of the current timeslot (WC-ct); and (4) the date attribute of the current timeslot (DA-...
temporal distribution of precipitation is important in many fields, such as basin and watershed management, soil and water conservation, climate change assessment, agroclimatic or ecological regionalization, ecological environment construction, and prediction and prevention of extreme weather disasters [3,7,...