Qatar finished sixth on the list of countries where employees enjoy the highest average monthly pay after tax deductions. The data, compiled by the online database...
Minimum wage in Asia The minimum wage is the lowest compensation an employer has to give an employee for their hourly service. Here are the minimum wages in some prominent countries of Asia: Country Minimum Wage per Month (USD) China USD 376 Malaysia USD 338 The Philippines USD 202 Russia...
prices, including the real exchange rate, real wages, real interest rates, and other prices in the economy. Relative prices also largely reflect these agents' choices. Thus relative prices convey vital information about the interaction of economic agents in an economy and with the rest of the ...
Only wage earners are counted – not the self-employed or people on benefits. In some countries, the data is incomplete – in South Africa, for example; it leaves out public sector workers and agricultural workers, while in Uganda, it covers only the manufacturing sector. To see gross versus...
autoworkers have seen their average wages fall 19.3% since 2008, according to Adam Hersh, senior economist at the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute. That's because autoworker "concessions made following the 2008 auto industry crisis were never reinstated," Hersh said in a recentblog post, "...