The function returns the average false positive rate (FPR) and the average true positive rate (TPR) for each threshold value in Thresholds. The function also returns AUC, the area under the ROC curve composed of FPR and TPR. example In R2024b: [avg1,avg2,Thresholds,AUC] = average(roc...
The weighted average is the one that shows up in many areas of finance besides the buying price of the shares, including inventory accounting,portfolio returns, and valuation. For inventory accounting, the weighted average value of inventory accounts for ups and downs in commodity prices, for exam...
value-weighted returns and the percentage o total market capitalization for the ve residual volatility portfolios. e last ve columns o able 1 sort stocks into ve port olios based on market capitalization (horizontal axis on the top). Tose stocks are then subdivided into ve port olios ba...
The weighted average cost of capital reflects the return expectations of all investors. 平均重量集资费用反射所有投资者的回归期望。 4. Sales growth rate, the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), and the enterprise value are not related. 3. 销售成长率、加权平均资金成...
Theweightedaveragematurityof anMBSistheweightedaverageoftheremainingterms to maturityofthemortgagesunderlyingthecollateral poolatthedateissue,usingastheweightingfactorthebalanceofeachofthemortgagesas oftheissuedate. Copyright©2012,Campbell R. Harvey.AllRightsReserved. ...
this is the part of code I'm trying to improve, especially the final part that returns total weighted average time spent: IF(HASONEVALUE(JE_Q[Time_Spent]),SUMX(VALUES(JE_Q[Time_Spent]),SUMX(_zTable,_Weight_Per * _Single)), SUMX ( VALUES ( JE_Q[Time_Spent]), CALCULATE ( DIVIDE...
and returns {TRUE; FALSE; TRUE; FALSE; TRUE; TRUE}. Step 2 - Evaluate IF function The IF function returns one value if the logical test is TRUE and another value if the logical test is FALSE. IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) IF(B3:B8=F2,C3:C8,"") becomes...
Finding weighted average with SUMPRODUCT Excel'sSUMPRODUCT functionfits perfectly for this task since it is designed to sum products, which is exactly what we need. So, instead of multiplying each value by its weight individually, you supply two arrays in the SUMPRODUCT formula (in this context,...
besides the purchase price of shares, includingportfolio returns, inventory accounting, and valuation. When a mutual fund that holds multiple securities is up 10% on the year, that 10% represents a weighted average of returns for the fund with respect to the value of each position in the ...
Alternatively, themoney-weighted rate of return (MWRR)incorporates the size and timing of cash flows, making it an effective measure for returns on a portfolio that has received deposits,dividend reinvestments, and/or interest payments, or has had withdrawals. The MWRR is equivalent to theinternal...