Monthly AverageUS Dollar per1Canadian Dollar Monthly average Jan0.756114– 31 days Feb0.763735– 28 days Mar0.747187– 31 days Apr0.744754– 30 days May0.735236– 31 days Jun0.750290– 30 days Jul0.786597– 31 days Aug0.793305– 31 days
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In 2023, the average exchange rate from pounds sterling to Indonesian rupiah amounted to approximately 19,760, meaning that one pound could buy 19,760 Indonesian rupiah. Average exchange rate of pound sterling (GBP) to Indonesian rupiah (IDR) from 2009 to 2023 ...
These can partially be attributed to 2022's historic net combined underwriting losses, says Mark Friedlander, director of corporate communications for the Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I). That year, he told Bankrate, for every dollar collected in premiums, the auto industry paid out $...
orraise rates. TheNational Centers for Environmental Informationrecorded 60 natural disasters over the past three years that caused over $1 billion in damage each. After adjusting for inflation, damage from billion-dollar disasters from the past three years averages out to $149.2 billion per year....
With lower inflation, investors expect there to be interest rate cuts coming soon and the odds of a September rate cut were up, according to London Stock Exchange Group data. Lower US rates and the associated cheaper borrowing in the US tend to weaken the dollar and therefore benefit the pou...
Foreign Exchange Rate: CBY: Average: Sell: US Dollar (YER/USD)250.50Jul 2018月度May 1998 - Jul 2018 加载更多 值得信任的宏观及微观经济数据 探索涵盖全球200多个经济体,20个行业和18个宏观经济部门,汇集2,200个来源的最完整的660万个数据库。
Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) maintained its monetary policy setting in April 2024, extending the pause for the fourth time in a row amid elevated cost pressure. The authority said it would keep the prevailing rate of appreciation of the Singapore dollar nominal effective exchange rate p....
赞比亚 Foreign Exchange Rate: Monthly Average: Bank of Zambia: US Dollar: Buying的相关指标 相关指标数值频率范围 外汇汇率:月平均:赞比亚银行:美元:买入 (ZMW/USD)9.862018-07月2006-01 - 2018-07 外汇汇率:月平均:商业银行:欧元:中间值 (ZMW/EUR)11.73Jun 2018月J...
A noon average rate contract (NARC) referred to a currencyforwardinvolving an official exchange rate published by acentral bankat noon each day. Established by theBank of Canada(BOC), NARCs typically used the forex rate between the U.S. and Canadian dollar as a point of reference for the ...