Weighted average maturity (WAM) is theweighted averageamount of time until the mortgages in amortgage-backed security (MBS)mature. This term is used more broadly to describe maturities in a portfolio of debt securities, including corporate debt and municipal bonds. The higher the WAM, the longer...
The average life is the average length of time it will take to repay the outstanding principal on a debt issue, such as a Treasury bill, bond, loan, or mortgage-backed security. The average life calculation is useful for investors who want to compare the risk associated with various invest...
It is insisted that eight duels a week--four for each of the two days--is too low an average to draw a calculation from, but I will reckon from that basis, preferring an understatement to an overstatement of the case. View in context That might very easily be, for there is seldom ...
(General Physics)physicsthe average time of existence of an unstable or reactive entity, such as a nucleus, elementary particle, charge carrier, etc; lifetime. It is equal to the half-life divided by 0.693 15. Symbol:τ Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014...
Calculating the weighted average: The weighted average maturity is determined by multiplying the time remaining until maturity for each component by its respective weight. The products are then summed up to derive the overall WAM. To illustrate the calculation further, let’s consider a hypothetical ...
An inventory costing methodology that calls for the re-calculation of theaveragecost of all parts in stock after every purchase. Therefore, the movingaverageis the cost of all units subsequent to the latest purchase, divided by their total cost. ...
Days remaining is also a calculation: [maturity date-Today()] And each portfolio has it's own individual calculation, we just cell reference them on a different table to see them together.The important part is that I only want to perform this calculation for maturity dates in the fu...
For the calculation ofdaily average concentrationof SO 2 in the atmosphere of a zone during a normal day, Gaussian plume and puff models are used for point source, backward point source model and area source integral model are separately used for area source. ...
Figure3illustrates the analysis of the satellite-to-ground link, where the distance from the satellite to the center of the Earth can be determined through the calculation of the satellite and Earth center coordinates. The negative impact of terrain, ground objects, and ground noise on effective ...
the method needs to construct the matrix with larger dimensions, which may affect the real-time accuracy of the calculation, and at the same time, the method has poor fault tolerance and cannot cope with the impact of the signal distortion, which is not conducive to the reliability of the ...