How much you spend on monthly expenses depends on several factors, including how many people you have living in your home. That said, here are the average monthly expense costs by household size: A single person household spends an average of $4,641 on monthly expenses. Married couples with...
Women initiate almost 70% of divorces. In contrast, separation of non-married couples was about equal, with men and women both initiating just as often. Do divorced couples ever reconcile? Approximately 6 out of 1,000 divorced couples reunite, according to Nancy Kalish, professor emeritus at C...
30% of couples that don't have the time or money for a stretched out vacation opt for a mini-moon. It's an abbreviated version of the honeymoon. They usually last 2 or 3 days and are closer to home. Consider it a few days to get away from the hustle and bustle you likely ...
The action-packed process ofwedding planningfollowed by a honeymoongetawayallows newlyweds to decompress. The honeymoon also gives couples a chance to spend uninterrupted time with their new spouse. That said, planning for your honeymoon can sometimes be just as difficult as coordinating the wedding...
Knowing ahead of time can help you decide if you need to spend even more money. Maybe it's worth your money for the delicious buffet at the hotel. Or, perhaps you should just go to a nearby bakery or cafe that's much cheaper. Keep a water bottle with you instead of constantly ...
For couples or families traveling for fun, it's common to stay in mid-range hotels, dine at well-known restaurants, and visit the big museums and attractions that charge entry fees. You won't want to miss all of the major sights and attractions. As most activities are not free, you'll...
According to our study, those who are partying for between one and two days spend an average of $1,135, while those celebrating for three or four days spend $1,630. Clearly, the more time you're spending at the bach party, the more you're shelling out on lodging, food, activities ...
Instead of a short-term vacation, couples are opting to spend months or even years traveling. Some choose the nomadic lifestyle, essentially taking a never-ending honeymoon. Now that you’ve read all about the average honeymoon length, how long will yours be? Let us know in the comments!
As in the IU study, where the married couples went to the gym together and left together (but didn’t necessarily exercise together while there), see what happens if you simply arrange with a friend to meet up and practice at the same time. And depending on how that goes, perh...
Average number of people per family3.673.673.583.583.573.573.533.533.483.483.443.443.423.423.393.393.373.373.333.333.313.313.