Check out Europe weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures. Where's hot in Europe? Below are average maximum temperatures at popular countries, regions and places inEuropefor next month - March. Select a destination to...
In August Edinburgh Triathletes recommenced swimming training sessions, I attended one each week. It was lovely to see friends again and get a good session in. I always push harder with others around and find it much more enjoyable. Sadly, due to new restrictions group swim sessions had to ...
Daytime temperatures are fairly constant year-round and lower in mountain areas. There is heat and humidity in all months of the year, and the most uncomfortable months in this respect are from July to October especially on the coast.
The results show that the optimized average daily temperatures save 9% of the energy cost during a cold wave. Keywords: greenhouse; energy; model; prediction; optimization algorithms; optimizing average temperature1. Introduction Greenhouses represent a trend in agricultural development that indicates ...