The presence of atmosphere can appreciably warm a planet’s surface above the temperature of an airless environment. Known as a natural Greenhouse Effect (GE), this near-surface Atmospheric Thermal Enhancement (ATE) as named herein is presently entirely
Mars’ average surface temperature is -55 °C, but the Red Planet also experiences some variability, with temperatures ranging as high as 20 °C at the equator during midday, to as low as -153 °C at the poles. On average though, it is much colder than Earth, being just on the outer...
The presence of atmosphere can appreciably warm a planet’s surface above the temperature of an airless environment. Known as a natural Greenhouse Effect (GE), this near-surface Atmospheric Thermal Enhancement (ATE) as named herein is presently entirely
It is useful to imagine a chain of atmospheric processes, with each link in this chain carrying information from the local vicinity of El Niño sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies throughout the global climate system. The first link is the tropical response of rain-producing cumulonimbus; c...
me both level and am only a man who loves thanks you for your words, do not forget that am I average, a good little rarito and a half of space, think I I come of Mars, I here have lived a time, watching from the sky as lived on earth, and buscandote to you between so many...
Here, we consider the roles of hydrogen content, rarity, formation temperature and pressure, and age on the average symmetry of minerals from 57 different modes of formation (i.e., paragenetic modes). We find four significant trends in the average mineral symmetry index for all minerals in ...