Average Weather Data for Grand Rapids, Michigan Monthly Averages JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Average Monthly high in °F:31°34°44°58°69°79°83°81°73°60°47°35° Average Monthly low in °F:18°20°27°38°48°58°62°61°53°42°33°24...
MonthTemperature (°C) January 8.0 February 8.0 March 8.5 April 9.0 May 10.5 June 12.0 July 13.0 August 13.5 September 13.0 October 11.0 November 9.5 December 8.5 Year 10.4 Proceeding south, the west coast remains cool even in northern California and down to San Francisco, but winter becomes pr...
Complete climate information for Kingsford, Michigan. Find out how often it rains, snows, and the gets cold or hot in Kingsford.
Climax Average Temperature In the event that the weather data was unavailable for this city, estimates based upon nearby cities were used. MonthTemp.(min)Temp.(max)Temp.(avg)Precipitation January18°F33°F25°F2.0" February18°F34°F26°F1.2" ...
The average temperature around the world isrising. People living in the US Midwest might find this fact hard to believe,though. Two new studies show that in America’s heartland, summers are nowcooler and wetter than they were in years past. The scientists suggest that thechange in the Midwe...
Needham Average Temperature In the event that the weather data was unavailable for this city, estimates based upon nearby cities were used. MonthTemp.(min)Temp.(max)Temp.(avg)Precipitation January19°F39°F29°F3.1" February18°F40°F29°F2.8" ...
Before you come to Grand Rapids, Michigan, see what our seasons are like, the average highs and lows and what you should pack for your next visit.
WEST MICHIGAN — Already thinking about next weekend's forecast? Good news - It looks even better than this weekend's! Temperature trends for May 28 through June 3,reflect the potential to be warmer than average. Our near-normal highs tend to be around 72° this time of year, so expect...
The University of Michigan has a range of 1350 – 1510. For both schools, your current score is within the bottom 25th percentile of accepted students. In this case, if you have time and flexibility, I would recommend that you prepare for and try to take the exam again to increase your...
June25°c16°c8 July27°c19°c8 August27°c19°c7 September23°c16°c6 October16°c9°c7 November8°c3°c6 December3°c-2°c8 Average Weather in Windsor in January The weather averages for the month of January, temperature averages around -1°c and at night it feels like -7°c. In ...