Average Weather in Fuerteventura in January The weather averages for the month of January, temperature averages around 19°c and at night it feels like 16°c. In January, Fuerteventura gets on an average 4.75mm of rain and approximately 1 rainy days in the month. Humidity is close to 68%...
Average number of sunshine hours range from 1,512 hours per year in Northwestern France to 2,801 hours per year in Southeastern France. Tenerife in the Canary Islands offers glorious weather: Average low temperature is 15°C/59°F. Average high temperature is 24°C/75°F. Average rainfall...
1. It’s consistent in temperature throughout the year ☀️ Yes, the temperature in Tenerife stays on average at 18C through winter and then between […] Sunniest Cities in Europe Discover the Top 10 Cities in Europe with the Most Sunshine Europe stuns with the grand amount of cities ...
The weather averages for the month of December, temperature averages around 20°c and at night it feels like 18°c. In December, Lanzarote gets on an average 7.94mm of rain and approximately 1 rainy days in the month. Humidity is close to 69%. ...