十二月 Climate & Weather Averages in Espoo High Temp: 1 °C Low Temp: -4 °C Mean Temp: -2 °C Precipitation: 60.2 mm Humidity: 89% Dew Point: -3 °C Wind: 29 km/h Pressure: 1010 mbar Visibility: 12 km Quick Climate Info Hottest Month 七月 (18 °C avg) Coldest Month 二月 ...
Currently:-6 °C. Low clouds. (Weather station: Tampere / Pirkkala, Finland).See more current weather Annual Weather Averages in Tampere / Pirkkala Tampere / Pirkkala is 47 kilometers from 61°45'27"N, 23°05'06"E, so the actual climate in 61°45'27"N, 23°05'06"E can vary a ...
monthlyaverage = retime(hourlytemp,'monthly','mean') Done! 댓글 수: 9 이전 댓글 7개 표시 Polina S2019년 10월 14일 MATLAB Online에서 열기 Thank you, Guillaume! I have an extra question.. I have a range of three-year data measured twice a day. I ...
daily_temp=xlsread('G:\phd\hydroinformatics\assgn2\Temp_Even_23.5_78.5.xls'); avg_1980=mean(daily_temp(1:60,4)); avg_1981=mean(daily_temp(61:119,4)); avg_1982=mean(daily_temp(120:178,4)); avg_1983=mean(daily_temp(179:237,4)); ...
Open in MATLAB Online The loop below breaks up you time stamps into hours and creates a new vector with the mean value for each hour of the provided data. ThemeCopy Temp = data1(:,4); i = 12:12:840; for k = 1:length(i) DailyAvg(k) = mean(Temp...
Currently:1 °C. Clear. (Weather station: Jyvaskyla Airport, Finland).See more current weather Annual Weather Averages in Jyvaskyla Airport Jyvaskyla Airport is 66 kilometers from 61°53'51.9"N, 26°20'14.2"E, so the actual climate in 61°53'51.9"N, 26°20'14.2"E can vary a bit. ...
Showing: 一月Climate & Weather Averages in 60°50'31.9"N, 23°01'12.1"E High Temp:-2 °C Low Temp:-8 °C Mean Temp:-5 °C Precipitation:39.8 mm Humidity:92% Dew Point:-6 °C Wind:21 km/h Pressure:1010 mbar Visibility:11 km...
temp.Day = day(temp.Date,'dayofyear'); temp.Date = []; % Now use varfun with @mean as your function and Day as your GroupingVariable dailyAverage = varfun(@mean,temp,'GroupingVariables','Day'); % FOR MONTHLY AVERAGE % Add a Month variable and get rid...
Showing: 一月Climate & Weather Averages in 60°11'26.6"N, 21°16'15.5"E High Temp:-1 °C Low Temp:-6 °C Mean Temp:-3 °C Precipitation:53.3 mm Humidity:92% Dew Point:-5 °C Wind:22 km/h Pressure:1010 mbar Visibility:10 km...
Showing: 一月Climate & Weather Averages in 60°11'45.4"N, 24°55'44.9"E High Temp:-1 °C Low Temp:-6 °C Mean Temp:-4 °C Precipitation:49.6 mm Humidity:89% Dew Point:-5 °C Wind:24 km/h Pressure:1010 mbar Visibility:10 km...