Marc Fisher
【例句8】Tax and welfare cut the gap between the average incomes of the highest and lowest 20% of earners by 43%. (税收和福利将20%收入最高者和最低者的平均收入差距缩小了43%。) [the highest和the lowest有两项]对一个实例,则用an average income, 如 【例句9】Males had an average income ...
The tax on the Group’s profit beforeincome taxdiffers from the theoretical amount that would arise using the weightedaverage taxrateapplicable to profits of the [...] asiasat.com asiasat.com 本集團除所得稅前溢利之稅項,與假若採用適用於綜合實體溢利之加權平均稅率而計算之理論稅額之差額如下 ...
This statistic shows the average expenditure of a Canadian family on taxes in 2021, by type of tax. In 2021, Canadian families spent 13,113 Canadian dollars, on average, on income tax. Average amount of taxes paid by Canadian families in 2021, by type of tax (in Canadian dollars) ...
3. To distribute proportionately: average one's income over four years so as to minimize the tax rate. v.intr. To be or amount to an average: Some sparrows are six inches long, but they average smaller. Our expenses averaged out to 45 dollars per day.Phrasal Verbs: average down To ...
Taxes are obligatory and cannot be ignored or evaded (tax evasion is a criminal offense). The government uses the funds from the taxes to support the operations and maintenance of government projects. There are many ways to collect taxes. The money may be collected via a tax on income, ...
income tax is divided into several mini personal income taxes,and the relationship formula is inferred between average tax rate of every mini personal income tax and income adjustment function characterization index.Research Value:The effect of average tax rate on income adjustment function of income ...
6. It is extremely difficult to obtain an average income level through social redistribution by means of tax and subsidies. 7. The government's goal is to put the local per capita gross domestic product on par with China's average GDP by 2015. ...
Income taxes in Wisconsin will go down an average of $3 a month under the greatly reduced tax cut Democratic Gov.