Better yet, you need to know the difference between your benefit if you start Social Security at age 62 vs starting at your full retirement age (usually around 67). Your monthly check is much larger for every month you delay starting benefits. Use the Social Security Explorer in the Boldi...
The median household income today is $58,600, which means the average household should have at least $41,020 per year saved for retirement. If you are eligible to receive Social Security, your payout amount will depend on several factors, such as birth year and retirement age. It's then...
Postpone the Start:Postpone collecting your benefits until at least full retirement age or longer (age 70) to get the maximum monthly payment. Delaying the start of Social Security can mean a BIG boost to your overall retirement wealth. And, more and more retirees are getting the message. It...
Drinking on college campuses,56 there are many underage drinkers has 57 greatly. In fact, alcohol sales have gone up58 the legal drinking age was 59 from 18 to 21. Some people believe that if there were no legal drinking age, 60 in some other countries, North American youth would drink ...