The income from the shoe sales will benefit the Boston Children's Hospital Cardiac Fitness Program, which encourages kids to “find your possible" through personalized exercise programs tailored for each inpidual patient's heart condition. “It feels really good to help people and it's really som...
Spending $161 per month on clothing and services is average for adults. Middle-age adults spend about $50 more per month. They also make more money, so they have more to spend.
but this week has thought me i need to make a plan for the summer and set out how Im going to make it work when the kids will be here with me for 3 months and how I will have have to factor in healthy eating prep for picnics etc… So learn from falling at the hurdles and st...
All snacks that the kids bring to school must be nut-free (and sunflower seed) due to allergies and as a family that gets a lot of protein for snacks from nuts I have struggled to find good, filling protein-dense foods. And I would rather not pay the money for the packaged products ...