Periodontist/dentist average salary is $164,000, median salary is $- with a salary range from $120,000 to $208,000. Periodontist/dentist salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Periodontist/dentist salary statistics is ...
Find out the average salary in Vietnam, salary comparison and what makes Vietnam an attractive outsourcing destination.
What does a median salary indicate? The median salary in Japan is 472,000 JPY, which means that half of the population earns less and the other half earns more. The median represents the middle salary value. In general, it’s preferable to be on the side of the graph where the group ...
entry-level McDonald’s general managers earn an average salary of around $39,000. A survey conducted by the jobs website Glassdoor determined that McDonald’s store managers earned an average base salary of around $46,000, plus bonuses that averaged about $2,...