Countries in Southeast Asia, like Vietnam and China, are forecasted to have the highest real salary increase rates. Median salary In Asia The median salary in Asia is around USD 547 per month. The median salary represents the middle value of the country-wise salary distribution in Asia. ...
In South Africa, Node.js developers earn $33,680 to $51,296 yearly. Indian Node.js developers can count on $15,521 on average as an annual salary. Australiais one of the countries with the highest paying for Node.js developers. The average salary there is $140,000 per year. ...
The BankservAfrica Take-home Pay Index (BTPI) shows the average salary for February was R15,517 on a seasonally adjusted basis in real terms. This is in line with the revised BTPI base, adapted to the CPI in December 2021. The nominal average take-home pay ...
in the same positions as the soldiers in the Beall illustration. 在第七次战争公债宣传活动中至少使用了该形象四次,其中一次描绘的是各种普 通公民 站在 Beall 插图中士兵所处的相同位置高举数字“7”的形象。 They tend to work in large corporations for an average salary because lar...
affiliates would riseby…about2%ofaverageannual sales…a one-unit increase in the patent index of the average developing economy would raise the asset stock of US multinational affiliatesby…about16%ofaverageasset stock. ...
salary [...] 其他工作人员费用项下预算总额 38 880 000 美元,将用于 2010 年至项目结束期间作为一般临时人员的 66 名专题专 家共 3 390 个工作月的费用,平均每工作月 11 470美元,这是根据 2010 年标准工作人员费用,按照 P-4 和一般事务(其他职等)的净基薪平均...
Labormarketsareparticularly tight in East Asia, while unemployment rates are significantly higherthan averageinEgypt, Poland and especially in South Africa (25%). 东亚的劳动力市场尤其紧张,而埃及、波兰特别是南非的失业率远高于平均值,南非的情况最 为严峻,失业率达到25%...
group has received loweraveragepayincreases than the second lowest salary group except in 1998 and 1999 when theiraverageincreases were the same, the second highest salary group has had higheraveragepayincreases than the highest salary group except in 2001 when both groups had thesameaverageincreases...