Average Salary in 221 CountriesWe have researched and collated average salary information for 3,628 different jobs in 221 countries. To find out more about the average salary of a job in a specific country, click on the country name below to get started....
Turkey TRY 2,259 civil servant salary TRY 3,160 0.27 2016 890 620 7,440 7,715 Ukraine UAH 4,313 UAH 5,358 0.0365 2016-09 196 157 1,884 2,002 United Kingdom GBP 1,816 GBP 2,292 1.20 2015 2,730 2,160 25,900 27,400 European Union €1,500 - 1 2016 - 1,500 18,000 20,...
Juneau, PA Salary Spraggs, PA Salary Turkey City, PA Salary Nemacolin, PA Salary Syntel Consulting Salary Facebook Salary Goldman Sachs Salary L&t Technology Services Salary Compunnel Software Group Salary Capital One Salary Java Web Developer Salary Strategist Salary Technical Support Analyst Salary Ca...
Recently, United Nations’ International Labour Organization (ILO) published the average monthly salary or wage for the whole world & the average for 72 countries. For the whole world, the average is USD1,480 per month. The figures are published for the first time. It’s a rough figure bas...
DEFINITION: Average Monthly Disposable Salary (After Tax). Based on 0-50 contributions for Afghanistan, Aland Islands, Andorra and 81 more countries and 50-100 contributions for Albania, Algeria, Armenia and 19 more countries and over 100 contributions for Argentina, Australia, Austria and 82 ...
Graphics is not supported× Chart: Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax), Salaries And Financing Select Region:AfricaAmericaAsiaEuropeOceania 1.Switzerland6,628.64 $ 2.Luxembourg5,548.66 $ 3.United States4,429.15 $ 4.Singapore4,193.19 $
【8】The job is great in term of salary. It has its disadvantages, though. 【9】General speaking, the more expensive the camera is, the better its quality will be. 【10】If only I can fly high in the sky like a bird. 点击展开完整题目 查看答案和解析>> 科目...
As of April 2023, Atlanta United had the highest average attendance in the MLS, drawing a crowd of around 49,129 at each home game. The club shares the Mercedes-Benz stadium with the Atlanta Eagles American football team. Records:
Average salary in Turkey is 1,673,046 TRY per year. The most typical earning is 610,024 TRY. All data are based on 1,394 salary surveys. Salaries are different between men and women. Men receive an average salary of 1,718,834 TRY. Women receive a salary of 1,428,175 TRY. The mos...