In 2023, the average monthly salary for Saudis was approximately 11 thousand riyals. This was about 3400 riyals more than the average monthly salary for Saudi women during the same period. The highest average salary for both Saudi men and women was between the ages...
This is based on the exchange rates in April 2023. Here are the average monthly salaries of different countries in Asia: Country/Region Average Salary Per Month Singapore USD 6,332 United Arab Emirates USD 5,337 Hong Kong USD 4,663 Oman USD 4,597 Saudi Arabia USD 4,453 China USD 4,...
While Qatar and the UAE topped the list of Arab countries with the highest average monthly salary, Kuwait finished third with an overall world ranking of 22 ($2,526.41). They were followed by Oman (27th place globally, $2,220.83), Saudi Arabia (28th, $2,040.53), Palestine (59th, $640....
What Is the Average Full-Stack Developer’s Salary? If you're looking to land a position as a full-stack developer, this collection of salary statistics and averages ought to help. Reading time 14 min read Updated date September 28, 2023 Post type Blog Topic Web Developer Salary Topic ...
In France, it is possible to receive a “return-to-work” benefit while working, provided this does not exceed the daily reference salary. This is “salaire journalier de reference”/ SJR. German workers can work for less than 15 hours per week and still continue to receive their unemployme...
Full-time workers in the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply sector earned an average weekly salary of 954.8 British pounds, which was the most of any industry in this year.